Intuition Talks
Intuition Talks is a bi-weekly podcast featuring relatable and real discussions about self-discovery, personal development, and spiritual enlightenment. We all need inspiration in our lives, and our goal is to be a source of inspiration for you!
Host Kristen O’Meara is passionate about sharing her insights and spiritual practices from over a decade of journeying within to grieve, create change, heal, and develop a relationship with the divine. She guides and supports parents of special needs children, teens, and adults in awakening to their truth, potential, and creativity to thrive.
Kristen holds an MA in counseling psychology and has worked in nonprofit mental health and education for many years. She has advanced certifications in mindfulness, intuitive development, hands-on healing, and clairvoyance. Kristen takes deep dives into relevant topics with special guests and offers channeled messages from Spirit to inspire you to trust yourself, your life, and to live with an open heart.
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Learn more about Kristen at www.kristenomeara.net
Learn more about Tina Moody, Kristen's former cohost, at www.tinalmoody.com and her book, The Spiritual Awakening of an Analytical Mind.
Intuition Talks
Trusting Spirit: Real Talk with Nicole Harp, Animal Communicator & Soul Painter
In this week’s episode, Nicole Harp joins us to discuss the benefits of being in a relationship with spirit. What is spirit? Spirit is the energy of the earth and its inhabitants, our spirit guides, higher self, higher power, ancestors, and highly evolved beings. When we develop relationships with spirit, we learn a great deal, namely about trusting them so we can trust ourselves and the lives we live. We can connect with spirit through prayer, meditation, intuition, mediumship, energy healing, and more. Our relationship with spirit also teaches us that we are never alone. We have their support, guidance, and love. Additional benefits of being in a relationship with spirit are healing trust issues and old emotional wounds, learning valuable life lessons, and having access to their wisdom to know our true potential so we can manifest the magic and wonderment of living a human life. Enjoy! Much love, xoxoxo.
Show notes:
Learn more about Nicole Harp at www.harpspace.org. Nicole is an animal communicator and soul painter. She is offering a course in animal communication in June. Go to her website to learn more about her course and other offerings.
You Are the Answer by Michael Tamura is a book filled with wonderful visualization exercises to develop your intuition and build a relationship with your spirit.
Learn more about Arthur Findlay College and the courses that they offer in mediumship at www.arthurfindlaycollege.com
In this podcast, I am inspired by Sandra Ingerman to use the term initiation when referring to my chronic physical condition: a condition that has taught me many life lessons. Sandra Ingerman is a well-known shamanic practitioner, teacher, and author. She explains her use of this term in several of her podcast episodes co-hosted with Renee Baribeau in The Shaman's Cave. Learn more about their podcast at www.theshamanscave.com.
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Learn more about Kristen O'Meara here
The intro song “To Meet the Light” and outro song “Where the Light Is” by lemonmusicstudio
Hello everyone and welcome to intuition talks. I am Kristen O'Meara and I am here with my good friend, Nicole Harp. Nicole, how are you doing today?
Nicole Harp:I'm excellent. Thank you for having me.
Kristen OMeara:Yes. Nicole, you've been on, um, intuition talks several times and for folks who don't know you and your work, can you just share a little bit about yourself?
Nicole Harp:I will. I am, professional animal communicator. And I paint, I'm an abstract painter and I paint the energy, emotional and energetic imprint of energy, whether it be an animal, human. Okay. A tree. So, um, I think the energy of things.
Kristen OMeara:And then for folks. Oh, sorry to interrupt you. And for folks who are watching this on YouTube, you can see behind me two of Nicole's soul art paintings. One is of my soul on, uh, it's would be on my right. And then one of Austin, the beautiful green and yellow. And I just love having them.
Nicole Harp:Thank you. Thanks. I'm glad you love them. I paint souls. We will just leave it at that. Yeah. Yeah.
Kristen OMeara:I'll put your information in the show notes. I'm a little distracted cause I have two kitties on my lap. I have three now. And, um, so I'm going to be a little distracted, I think, as we did in a good way, in a good way, who doesn't love kittens. So what we're going to talk about today is working with spirit and how working with spirit, whether it's our ancestors, whether it's our spirit guides, ascended masters, higher self, even our soul, how working with them really can help heal ourselves. By trusting them and learning from them,
Nicole Harp:not only healing, but it's just information. I mean, you can ask anything. That's right. That's right. So
Kristen OMeara:we have like what you just said, we have incredible teachers and sources of information, sources of information, and they are willing and able and wanting to work with us. Yeah.
Nicole Harp:Just before we were talking and I'm so excited just talking about, I was talking about how Amy and I tap in one or two, once or twice a day and just information we found out that we didn't know about our ancestors genealogy. Um, that, you know, that you can't find on 23 and me, that's right. And just things that we always wondered and, you know, ask that we can, you can ask your ancestors questions. You can ask, you know, whoever from spirit to come in, um, doesn't mean they will, but you know, but, but sometimes you get ones you don't ask. But like all there's a million different exercises you can do on how to, um, like if you want to do more of a spiritual, um, connection, you know, if that's something like if you're more mental intuitive, but you want to do a spiritual and you want to feel, I mean, there's so emotional intuitive. There's so many things. There's a million different exercises. We used to Sherry Dillard books, but, um, cause I was taught by Sherry Dillard, but yeah. Yeah. You, you do, um, Arthur Finley. Right.
Kristen OMeara:Arthur Finley. Yeah. So there is, there's so many different ways, like you said, and I've been thinking a lot about this since I've, uh, been taking trans healing and trans communication classes, which is learning to blend with your spirit guides or spirit team, whatever you want to call it. And, uh, tuning with them and allowing them to hold you and what the tutors Arthur Finley talk about is creating a hold. So when you're learning to do trans communication or trans speaking. You are allowing one of your spirit guides to speak through you. So you have to learn how to blend with them and allow that energy. They work with the mind and the aura and have that communication come through. So those words aren't yours. They're theirs. But there's a lot of trust that has to happen. So it's a, it's a skill that takes time to develop. And it's the same with, but in different ways, developing your intuition so you can trust in your own truth, your own information, uh, active mediumship, which is when you go to medium and you want to hear from a deceased loved one. The trans healing and trans communication is more passive mediumship, but it's all the same in that we're working with the spirit world. And when I say spirit world, I'm talking about beings that are either have never incarnated. Or they are beings that have been in bodies and that's where their consciousness or their energy is, is so we can call it heaven spirit world. A lot of times that Arthur Finley you'll hear tutors talk about spirit blending with spirit. So, I can go more into the details later, but I just wanted to have a conversation with you, Nicole, about how amazing it is when you are able to go through that initial process of learning to be still, learning to sit, learning to be quiet and develop that skill and develop your intuition To a degree in which you are able to discern what you are intending or the intention you're having to connect with a highly evolved being or a spirit guide or a higher self or a soul. So I believe that there are steps, you know, if you, if you don't know how to sit and be still, it's going to be really hard to do mediumship. So there is a progression or an unfoldment
Nicole Harp:and it all evolves, right? Like you're right. It all evolves. So there's a lot of. Yeah, that's authentic for you what you do, like I don't do that doesn't mean I won't ever do that but it. That's what's authentic for you and that's where you kind of you. Right. Yeah, so that was my path.
Kristen OMeara:So I thought it would be a really nice conversation to have, even if we touch on it a little bit about how developing a relationship with. A higher self or spirit guides and spirit, albeit not an easy thing to develop for some of us because they're not physical bodies in a room. And we have to use our intuition to know how we're connecting with them. For me, I'm clairvoyant. So I can see some folks will feel or hear or know, um, but how that can really heal trust issues. It can really heal. And we can have a different experience about being cared for. Um, it can be a reparative and even a reparenting experience for some of us, but it can be very reparative because we can work with and be in relationship with and allow these wonderful beings. To love us and to take care of us and experience their
Nicole Harp:wisdom. Yes. I mean, because they are this light, right? This, as we came in this ball of golden light or, you know, there's a million different people say how we came in, but you know, the consciousness, their consciousness, right. Right. Without all the pretense and the heaviness of the physical form. So, um, you know, they're, what I explained in my book about my mom and how she, you know, she was that, and therefore made me. um, you know, I, I, I see that experience that reminded me of myself. That's how soul paintings came about. Of that. Like we come in. So, um, You know, there's so much wisdom. So, and, um, you know, and see, um, It's it's exciting. I was in my meditation. Talking to we usually sit. I know you probably do too. Sit. Rarely do I go in just kind of like whatever, because it's, it could go anywhere. So you'd like to have some kind of, you know, uh, some structure. But, um, so we went in with just asking for a message. I'd have to read it, but, um, okay, now I'm really getting excited. So a couple of, but, well, a couple of things, because, um, you know, how do you know you're, um, you know, that everybody's, when they say, how do you know, but you're, everything's calm and it's just, you know, subtle and matter of fact, but when you go back to read it. I can read and then I get so emotional, but during it, I'm so calm. It's that kind of, you know, space between, you know, um, you know, it's that, um, it's a trance. It's a
Kristen OMeara:trance. It is light trance, but you're, you know, what's going on, but it's all in the happening in the moment.
Nicole Harp:Yeah, I've got so many, so many books of every, every day, two, three times a day doing this. But, um, and then you can experience so many things you can go into. I actually, my mom and my Nana tried me, to bring me into their space. Um, you know, and it's funny how like, you know, you'll know, and, and the audience will know, like where, how you, when you meditate, like I usually have someone, I have chairs in front of me, like a visual of chairs. And it depends who sits in the chairs, you know, that's how you connect with your mom
Kristen OMeara:or
Nicole Harp:something. So you have to sit in the chair in front of you in your mind. Yeah. If they want to come and sit right. And then anyway, they brought me over to this light with this door that I went in, but that's all I didn't get to go. I didn't go any further, but with them, like, you know, so amazing the different things that can happen. Right. Yeah. And one of my students came in pop their consciousness popped in there live, but I was talking to people that passed over. But and I was like, every morning we'd we would have the smile in this connection and say, good morning. And I know that that student needed my. Attention. Yeah, in a positive way. I remember giving her a one year. I, uh, it's okay if I like, okay, so one year I bought just dollar store stuff, but I started making and I'm like, I have 100 something students. I can't make cards for hundreds of students. So anyway, I bought like dollar store cards. Right. And every, every, every single student. And that's 160 something I gave a birthday card to and then something like, you know, candy bar or something. It was expensive, but I wrote and I wrote something and, um, her mom said it changed. Like, like she was like, you made my daughter's day. Anyway, ever since then we had this bond. Well, anyway, she popped her little consciousness and said like, like I miss you, you know, cause we're not, we're not in school anymore. And then, um, another little baby that my friend's grandson popped his little consciousness in. And then I just got. A handful of things about them that I shared with them. Um, babies are the new thing. I'm like connecting with, but I've always loved babies, you know, I've always loved animals and babies when there was always like adults happening. Where would Nicole be with the kids or the babies?
Kristen OMeara:Oh, I mean, I'm
Nicole Harp:sorry. The animals or the kids. Yeah. Yeah. Animals and kids. But, um, anyway, but yes, it's, it's, and you're not alone. This is like, I was thinking, I told, we talked about this before I said, how
Kristen OMeara:could,
Nicole Harp:how could we have, um, live like this. How did I live like this without this? Right. I can't imagine life before this and it's just going to get better and better because the more you do it, the better you get, right? Practicing that muscle. And then it's exciting. You never know what you're going to get. And they think you've, you know, well, let's, let's do something new for you today. Let's, I mean, they, they just take you to the next level. They
Kristen OMeara:do. Yeah. And that's what I really want to, um, I don't know if I just said anything, but go ahead, you did, and
Nicole Harp:you're like, what are you talking about? Yeah,
Kristen OMeara:no, no, I love it. And it's, it just. It's a reminder every time I go into meditation and I set the intention to connect with, say, a deceased loved one or a higher self or my higher self, it's such a, I'm reminded constantly. It's almost like peeling away layers of distrust and, uh, this limiting or false belief that I'm alone. And I'm continually letting go more and more and more and believing to my core that I'm not alone, that I have this incredible spiritual team group around me. What also I found is that the more we connect with our higher self, our own soul, um, cause I've had conversations with my own soul. Um, I believe you can channel your soul. There's so much wisdom just within us. Right. That is so powerful. But the more I do that, and the more, uh, readings I give myself or more channelings I give, you know, for myself or others,
Nicole Harp:the cats are making your,
Kristen OMeara:I know I'm watching the cast. The more I'm aware that, you know, I don't need to go to, uh, a psychic for this. I don't need to go to a teacher for this I've learned how to access that information for myself. And it takes more patience for me. It takes more. Um, when I'm trying to answer my own questions, I have to go through those layers of feelings and emotions and doubt and, uh, and all of that. But the thing about it is it's worth it. Because when we can rely on our own information, our own truth. And when we can work with our higher self or our spirit guides to help us navigate our challenges, we won't be so dependent on, you know, other people's, because even when you go to a psychic or medium, there's a filter, and the better the psychic and medium, The less of, of a filter. They're really like what they're, what you are, what people call like a hollow bone, you know, but I think that there's nothing wrong going to a psychic or medium or a channeler, but I really feel like the gold mind is within us and it takes practice. It takes patience. It takes courage and it takes, um, Trust in ourselves to develop the skills to, to really trust that our information is. Valued and quote unquote, correct.
Nicole Harp:Who better than ourselves to answer questions about ourselves.
Kristen OMeara:Yeah. And we can always, you know, go through other people at some point, but I think the more we not, when I say that, I mean, like, you know, there's this really big, hefty issue and it involves multiple people. Like of course, we're going to gather information, we're going to use our analytical mind. But when it comes to actually making a decision, I really feel like And believe a hundred percent that it has to come from our intuition. And, um, the more I use my intuition in that way, it's interesting. It's like, that's my go to like, I'm not even either. I'm not even really bothered with all the ramblings. And, and stuff happening in my head. Do you know what I mean? It's like the most,
Nicole Harp:and the more you do this meditate and do the connecting, connecting will calm communications, whatever, um, better you are at quieting the mind, the better you are at the no chatter. And the, um, this, you know, all that, I feel like all that, that self doubt and all that negative, it just, it just falls away. The
Kristen OMeara:volume just gets turned down way down, way down to the point where it's like, it's not even an issue. I think the more emotionally charged problems perhaps will take more time. And it's so much easier to call someone. It's so much easier to ask for someone's advice or opinion. It's so much easier to call your friend. Who's a medium or psychic. But if you just give yourself. A moment
Nicole Harp:to
Kristen OMeara:just really take the risk and try to see what that answer is within yourself.
Nicole Harp:Well, you always know what it is anyway. Yeah. You know, I mean, you'll get psychic work and they'll say the same thing you were already thinking. And it's okay. We'll psychic. I mean, you'll get a psychic reading from someone and they'll say, and you would just stuff. You're like, well, all right. I knew that. Yeah, you know, it's just reaffirming or it's validating. Sometimes it takes some stuff you
Kristen OMeara:don't know, but and the validation is really healing because then that says to ourselves, I think that, oh yeah, I'm really, I'm really able to tune in now. How can I do that for myself? Right. And it's really just a matter of sitting. Practice and making the choice.
Nicole Harp:And, you know, it's like, I wonder, I'm thinking when it became, you know, remember when meditation was work where you're like, um, when you thought meditation had to be, um, you know, like, oh, if I didn't do, if I don't do it for 20 minutes, it's not really meditating or, you know, but, but actually just trying to, you know, just like trying to get quiet and quiet your mind. And you'd have a couple of those moments where you like those highs, where you felt like you were. Yeah. Somewhere else. And you're like, Oh, it's amazing. But then it was all struggle, right? You know, it's like going to the gym or some the gym, the half of it is just showing up, right? She just show up, you meditate. And then throughout the spiritual practice, it changed. And I'm just, I don't know. Um, uh, you know, and then it, for me now, it's like, I can't get enough. Right. So, um, you know, being able to communicate with my mom who's crossed over, you know, that's where it kind of started, even though I didn't communicate with her right away, but. Um, my loved ones knowing, which, which leads me to, I don't know if I've said this before, but for me, Um, or for anybody, everything, what I would say to everybody is, um, if you can get clear on how you feel about death, what happens when you die, when your physical form is no longer here. And I think that, which has made me want to connect, connect is, um, it's a lifesaver. That's me being cheesy. It does. It changes your, it changes you.
Kristen OMeara:Well that's the thing. And that's, that's the big blessing about for me, spiritualism and. Learning about mediumship. What one of the most healing takeaways other than learning to trust and and feeling the trust and the love and the care from from the spirit guides and in the beings that I connect with is Really coming to a deeper awareness about death and that we don't, um, our consciousness doesn't end with death and life is a cycle and our consciousness will continue. Our soul will move on. And that is, I think that there isn't enough. Talk about death. We don't talk about death enough because we're all afraid of it. And it's, you know, and I get it because that's the culture that we live in. I think that we need to really change that. I think we need to start talking about death when we're very young. So it's not this big looming thing. Um, but mediumship will really address that and it will bring so much peace. about death, especially when like you with your mother, you can connect with your mom. I've had several experiences with my dad who passed away last November. And, um, sometimes it's like, I know that we don't die. I know we move on, but when you have an experience where you're connecting with your loved one in spirit, or you get a message or you have this sign or synchronicity that you go, Oh, wow, that's my grandmother communicating with me. It's like. It's it's magic. It's magical.
Nicole Harp:It's transforming. It is it is and then almost like that's the gateway to like anything's possible, you know, thinking, um, isn't that
Kristen OMeara:true though? It is, but just what you said that anything's possible, anything is possible.
Nicole Harp:I'm thinking today, like, how many artists would like really if they could do what I do and, and tap into the. Basically, artists would kill or die to, um, to do this. I can teach you to do this, right? I can teach creatives how to, um, how to get past all this physical stuff and into what really makes the art, right? Which is, which is, um, which is that love and light that really makes the art. Or that, it's that energy that, um, I mean, I've never really said this before, it's just kind of feeling it now, but, yeah. Thinking, like, you know, um, because talking, um, to my mom and my dad about my art and, um, my guide who travels with me through, uh, who's been with me through making art in another, um, country before in another lifetime, um, and you know how there's guides that are with you for temporary and for a long time, but, um, and thinking that, um, I could, I could help other artists, you know, really. see art in a different way and have art come from a place that's That's that's that's that's this pure, like this essence of, um, it's just so much deeper realm that I could help them tap into that any creative actually I mean, I've created things that weren't were art related but that but ideas engineering and ideas to which. You have to ask when people are really coming up with these ideas, right? I mean, because it's a, it's an incredible realm of inspiration. Yeah. Yes. No, you know, they're tapping in. They're going beyond being in the flow. Yeah. They're there.
Kristen OMeara:That's right. They're already doing it, but they can go to another level. And I think that's what people do.
Nicole Harp:Oh, sure. All the time. Oh, I need an idea for that. You know, wireless, whatever. Okay. Let me tap in and get some, because you know, when you do communications for people, whoever I get, I, I did this for my friends all the time, um, but they're like, what job should I, whatever. And I'll tap into, um, spirit or their higher self and they'll come up with like 12 different ideas and you couldn't have imagined or tried to come up with 12 different amazing ideas that you're in, that your higher self or consciousness or spirit or who the heck, whatever gave you it. I get confused, Esther, and I'm, um, like, who am I talking to? We've talked about that. So yeah, we just say spirit. You just say spirit. But the ideas that they come up with are like, I could not have, I couldn't have, you couldn't have paid for ideas that are that good. You know, I can't make it up. You cannot make this up.
Kristen OMeara:It's so true. I'm just, it's a, and you know, people think that, Oh, I can only get to those States taking mushrooms or psychedelics or blah, blah, blah. And I'm not, I'm not, I'm not poo pooing that stuff. Cause I know some people like that's, that's what they want to do, but gosh, it is, uh, you don't need to. Yeah, it comes from opening your, uh, but there is, you know, you've got to go through the steps. You've got to go through the development or unfoldment and, um, and some folks, you know, it's more difficult for them, but I have to say for, for people who are listening, who are thinking about, wow, you know, I really feel like I'm intuitive and I, but I haven't sat and meditated and I'm really concerned, like, Meditation for me was not an easy thing. I had a panic attack the first time I did it, but I stuck with it every day. I stuck with it. And it is now just like what you said, I can't get enough. It's yeah. So it can be done. It can be done.
Nicole Harp:I wonder if you, uh, I was talking to a friend the other day and I thought, uh, You know, she's got appointment with Sherry Dillard and she, you know, appointments with Sherry Dillard are life changing. But I thought really every, I said to her, everything you need to do is within yourself. She was talking about, and I, but I said, well, let me think back. How could I get her where I am? I'm not trying to change her or anything, but I just know that getting quiet and every answer to everything she's going through is within herself.
Kristen OMeara:Yeah.
Nicole Harp:And
Kristen OMeara:yeah, and I think that whatever stages we go through, um, to get to the point where we really trust. And I'm still working through trust issues. I'm still working through like, you know, can I trust this decision or can I be in a, in a place of not knowing and tolerate it for a period of time, which I think is probably one of the hardest things for all of us. How can I tolerate not knowing right now? That's what you
Nicole Harp:never know,
Kristen OMeara:right?
Nicole Harp:Life could change in a split second, you know? So the worry Right. And trusting.
Kristen OMeara:And trusting that, right? Right. The answers
Nicole Harp:will
Kristen OMeara:come.
Nicole Harp:Yeah, and stop asking. I'm always asking the same question and my spirit's like, when are you going to, what do we need to say that, you know, what do we need to say that you're going to believe this, you know, all the time or I'll use my tarot cards. But what I was going to say to you is, and maybe you can help me with this. And I think that's the problem I have is I'll get to a point and I'm like, how did I get here. And so if I was going to say, I started to say all my friend needed was to be, um, is to get quiet and ask these questions to herself. But then I said, well, it's not just that easy because I did a lot of stuff where I got here. Yeah. So if you had to do bullet points for someone, and they're just starting. Today, what would they do?
Kristen OMeara:Well, what I
Nicole Harp:would recommend is
Kristen OMeara:bullets to get where we are today. The only thing I can recommend is what I did and having been quite dissociated and not connected to my body for so many years. And I started meditating at 38, 39. Um, what I did is I. Learn a very simple grounding practice and the practice will be in my book when it comes out in the fall, but it's also in Michael tomorrow's book. You are the answer and I'll put it in the show notes, but it's a simple grounding practice and I just practice grounding. As many times as I could until it was comfortable for me, but it wasn't comfortable to start. And some folks, it won't be uncomfortable, but for me, it took a long time to get into my body. Quote unquote. Um, some people, uh, just for that first bullet point, it might just be making a cup of tea or your favorite drink, obviously not alcohol. And. Sitting down and listening to calming music just to get into a practice of sitting and it could be 10 minutes and you can work up to 20. There's no, I have to meditate for one hour every day. That's baloney. Um, you meditate for as long as you can. Um, and you, I think repetition is more important than the length of time.
Nicole Harp:And I think following some kind of structure, like I used to open my chakras and now I do the light coming through energy coming through my head and down in my body, the white light will change, you know, but
Kristen OMeara:yeah, but even like a guided meditation might be helpful for some people listening to music. But I think it's more about creating a habit. For you, for about 14 years. Yeah, for 14 years, I had a chair that I never sat in unless I was meditating and I made it really, really beautiful. I had a beautiful blanket. I had a side table. I had beautiful things on the table. I made it so it was welcoming and I like to be here, but I think just trying different things. And then the next thing is. It's
Nicole Harp:like you all are having tremblers there. Oh, yes. The cat. Yeah. I've got three. Oh, my God. Chewing on the
Kristen OMeara:cords.
Nicole Harp:There's a semi earthquake. I know.
Kristen OMeara:Oh, my God. Yeah. Good. Then I think just. Taking intuitive development classes, um, learning about your chakras and your aura, maybe just learning about that. You're a spirit in the body.
Nicole Harp:Yeah.
Kristen OMeara:And then taking it from there. I mean, there's so many resources out now that I think it's not a difficult thing. Some people will be drawn more to mindfulness, mindfulness practices. Some people will be drawn to, um, like you said, you know, the whole chakra work.
Nicole Harp:I'm going to
Kristen OMeara:interrupt
Nicole Harp:you, but I do want to say this, because there's not one way. Anybody who takes a class where someone says you have to do it this way, that is such crap. You, there is the way that works for you, and that, that is the way. This is what's beautiful about it. Everybody's got a book about, you know, there's this, like you said, what works, what happened for you, and then, of course, what happened for me. So there's a million different ways. Yeah, up your heart, you know, and that's
Kristen OMeara:right. It's so true. I think if I were to be, I think if I were to be like a stickler about anything, it would be learning how to ground your body to the earth. But, but that's only because that was a big thing for me. Just like what you said, you know,
Nicole Harp:um, the beautiful thing is everybody can do this we came in telepathic. We're going to be going out to, we're going to do go, you know, when you're over there, my dad said, you communicate, said, we communicate with animals over there, just like we could hear, but, you know, well, you have to learn things there. Not everything is easy over there. You don't just like leave your body and then because everything's easy. You still have to learn how to be telepathic over there and learn how to communicate, you know, there's, it's not like you all of a sudden have all these skills. You don't have all the and everything and you see yourself in a different way, but. You're still learning
Kristen OMeara:continues.
Nicole Harp:The learning continues, baby. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Oh,
Kristen OMeara:I really, I just had a, um, I had a dream. It was my first dream with my dad and he was in a bed. Was it a
Nicole Harp:visitation dream or just,
Kristen OMeara:yeah, but I was there. So my dad passed in November and we had an estranged relationship. We hadn't talked in, I don't even know how many years, like at least 10, 12. And. I was in a room and he was in a bed and he was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. And there was a guide there. And the guide said that he is, uh, needing to sleep. He needs to rest. And I can't remember anything else. I wish I wrote it down. Um, but the reason why I bring it up is that I believe that the more we Are in tune, even with ourselves, even with our body connected to the earth, feeling our feet on the ground and tune with our heart and our, and our intuition will naturally be more. I, I, the only word I can think of is will be more, uh, we will awaken to. All of these experiences that we would have had if we weren't, do you know what I'm saying? It's like, we'll be more aware of like the dream we had. We'll see something outside that we perhaps if we weren't tuned in, not see. So our day to day, what we would consider mundane life will become more magical. The more tuned in we are.
Nicole Harp:Absolutely. And that goes back to being present, having presence, trying to be present, which is something even different than what you're talking about. But you know, um, my mom told me in one of my communications that it's understanding your, you were just saying, understanding yourself and this, but it's having, understanding your emotions. She told me. So important. Um, that she, she realized the understanding her emotions, um, you know, like with your dad. Yeah. Yes. Well, she's told me so many amazing things that, and it's, this is what I wanted to tell you too, or I wanted to talk about too, not tell you, but talk, um, and then, you know, then I want to, well, maybe you should talk about your dad and the sleep. Maybe that is what he needs to do is sleep. Um, I've heard
Kristen OMeara:that from, from reading, I think journey of souls or destiny of souls by Michael Newton. Yeah. I read, I read those books, uh, gosh, so long ago. And I remember some of some souls who've had a really difficult, you know, um, health issues before they pass needed a lot of sleep. He was in a wheelchair, needed oxygen and all sorts of stuff. Yeah. So, um, but yeah, I didn't really have, um, there's really not much more to say about that other than I think if I hadn't been tuned in and more self aware and more aware of spirit, I would have just, you know, I have blown the dream off,
Nicole Harp:but, but yeah, so, so writing down your dreams is important. Oh my goodness. Yes. Yeah. Writing down everything you get from meditation, dreams, whatever, but, um, you know, understanding our loved ones on a different, um, in a, in a totally different way, um, than we would have, um, known them here because they're different, um, you know, how they present themselves and who they really are. Um, so many things that I thought my mom was here or she was here. She's not there. And my dad too. Um, and my grandmother, when I brought my grandmother through, was saying, yeah, getting to know them. And they're like totally different, not totally different, but their essence is the same, but, but they're knowing them in a different way. That's not, here's, it's like this amazing, you know, awakened relationship that you have. And it's so, uh, you know, so endearing and it's so fun and it's, you know, curious and you get to see them in this totally different way. And. You know, it's, it's just so healing, um, for the physical form, right. To, to see them that way. Yeah. They're not playing that role. They don't have the ego, right. There's it's this, we didn't know their essence. Yes. No, like I knew my mom's as she was in the end with the dementia, because she showed me some of it. She showed me that like young kid, like when she came in, but I didn't know all the other. So just seeing my mom, this different person, you know, having different needs and a different personality or, you know, then she had here.
Kristen OMeara:When I first learned mediumship, I think it was like 2017 or so I did a reading for my mom. I brought her mother and father through and my grandmother was not a kind woman. She, it was very, I had a very difficult relationship with her. And when I brought her through, she said she apologized. And she also said that that's not me. That wasn't really me. Right. And I, I think of like, I, I, what you said, I didn't know her essence. There was so much, um, about my grandmother in this lifetime that was, uh, wounded, you know, and she wanted to be a professional dancer and she was not allowed to be, and she was just this amazing, creative woman. And she was stuck in her, You know, her, uh, social role of being, you know, a housewife. And there was something, um, that essence, I didn't get to know.
Nicole Harp:Right.
Kristen OMeara:And then you didn't
Nicole Harp:even get to know everything you just said. And that's why it's so healing. And then, you know, just going to go back to the soul painting behind you, because that is what it's supposed to do. Remind you of who you, your real, your true essence and, you know, how, what you came here to do and how you came here to do it with all the colors, excitement, adventure, and confidence that, you know, that we forget that the chattering mind, that the physical form, that the, Um, you know that life kind of TV structure, the distraction. Yeah, all that
Kristen OMeara:stuff. Yeah, yeah, it's so true. I have like a really big cork board and I have, um, spirit art on there. I've got a amazing sketch of one of my spirit guides that a man did for me in a class that I took at Arthur Finley. I just have, it's just spiritual stuff, like stuff I found on the ground. That's important to me. And I think that that in like what you're talking about with the soul art, I think is really important to have in our house, because. And we can call it an altar, whatever you want to call it, but having pictures, inspiration, spiritual stuff that we see daily to remind us that we're more, that we're more than our, like you were saying, our thoughts in our head were more than the aches in our body, that we have a very strong, capable spirit soul, that
Nicole Harp:Yeah.
Kristen OMeara:And we have this treasure chest inside of us and having those reminders are really important for us humans. You know, it's just, it's really important. Visuals are super important. Yeah.
Nicole Harp:Uh, aches and pains in your body. Well, if you want to flush that out, that, you know, meditating and asking, visualizing that, what does it feel like? What does it look like? What's the emotions behind it and clearing it out? You can do that. I mean. Yes. Yeah, I mean, yes, you can heal yourself, you know yourself 101. I know sometimes you can. Yes, you can emotional shit. We've taken all the emotional stuff. I'm sorry for saying that word, but it's all the emotional stuff. Yeah, that would, um, That we've taken in and
Kristen OMeara:we have health, we can have health issues to like I, I was talking with you, Nicole earlier about, um, a chronic health issue that I have that may be healed one day. I don't know, but I've had it since Austin was born. And. There's a purpose for it. It's an initiation for me. And I, I really believe that. Um, would I like to be free of it? Sure. But I think that we, we do experience health issues too, that are forms of like initiation. Um, we can learn a lot from our physical issues and I've healed a lot in meditation. With, you know, physical stuff.
Nicole Harp:That's what I'm talking about. Healing yourself.
Kristen OMeara:Absolutely. Right. Clearing that out. Yeah. When we've got all this heaviness of emotion, like you were saying, fear, anger, regret, bitterness, my goodness, that does a lot to your body.
Nicole Harp:Yeah. And then if you're empathic and you start to take on other people, you become a dumping ground. That's right. And things do, things do manifest physically. I feel like after 25 years of teaching in the public school system, I've collected a lot of my students. It's a lot of kids coming in and out with all their emotional stuff. Yeah. And I know I collected some, you know, I mean, you do your best to protect and to Yeah. You know, surround yourself with white, but. Michael
Kristen OMeara:tomorrow's book has a lot of good exercises and and how to clear for folks who who want that information. It's I've in my clairvoyant reading program. I, I learned, I studied with his colleagues and a lot of those exercises are really easy, easy in that some of them may take time to learn, but they're not super complicated.
Nicole Harp:It's the battle of people who've inspired us. You're Michael Tamora. I'm Sherry Dillard. It's the battle of Sherry. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. There's a million different people, but you know,
Kristen OMeara:well, and over time you kind of create your own, like you create your own little techniques that you can visualization techniques and meditation. You can there are a ton. So you can use your own creativity and meditation to clear stuff out. Yeah. So I'm going to start saying that Nicole Harkway's.
Nicole Harp:Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Oh, harp exercises.
Kristen OMeara:But we all, we all, I guess, have to start somewhere.
Nicole Harp:Exactly. Yeah. And you have your go tos and, uh, yeah.
Kristen OMeara:Oh, so nice talking with you. Do you want to share a little bit about the class that you're offering and what you've got going
Nicole Harp:on? So yeah, anybody who loves animals, just like loves animals, feels like you can connect with them almost maybe better than you can humans, or you've always loved your animals, be protective of your animals. Always, you didn't have to connect as a child, but you do now, or you could have. If you love animals, I can teach you to communicate with animals. And it can be taught. Anyway, I'm just teaching a short, uh, small, um, kind of intimate class, three classes, starting at the end of June and then the first, it's, uh, Saturdays. Um, it's just an hour and it starts at the end of June and goes to two weeks in July. And yeah, she's getting started. I usually do one person at a time, but I really, I'm looking forward to like a small group. And I think you learn so much from the group. Um, just, you know, communicating with Amy every day about what she gets for her mediumship, um, uh, reading communications. It's so, I was like, you know what, I really need to do a small class because you're hearing people's questions, what they, you know, their, their doubts, their fears, their successes. Um, it, I think is just, um, you get so much more bang for your buck, so, yep. Animal communication's, inexpensive. Um, well, I think it's inexpensive, but,
Kristen OMeara:and it's harp space do work,
Nicole Harp:right? You get recordings. Yep. And you don't even have to be there. You can just do the recordings and the exercises. It's harp space, like headspace, but harp space.
Kristen OMeara:Mm-Hmm.
Nicole Harp:S P A C E dot org. Yep. Awesome.
Kristen OMeara:Talking with you. Thank you so much. Well, when's your book coming out? I'm expecting it to be out in November. Oh, you're birthing it. I'm
Nicole Harp:expecting.
Kristen OMeara:Yeah. In November? Oh, I love November. It's a great month. Well, you know, that's the thing. Every big thing in my life happens in November. Austin was born in November. I bought my first house in November. I finished grad school in November. There have been so many big Novembers, and it just makes sense. Makes sense. It's exciting. I want to talk to you some more about that. Yeah, yeah,
Nicole Harp:yeah, we will. so much for, um, Allowing me to talk about spirit with you and share experiences with spirit. And, um, thank you so much.
Kristen OMeara:Oh yeah. And thank you everyone. Who's listening. We hope you have a wonderful week and much love. Take care. Bye.